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Relationship between oral environment and frailty among older adults dwelling in a rural Japanese community: A cross-sectional observational study

BMC Oral Health Jan 26, 2019

Hasegawa Y, et al. - A sum of 308 elderly individuals of age ≥65 years, residing in the Sasayama-Tamba area of Hyogo, Japan, were randomized to estimate the relationship between oral hygiene conditions (measured by remaining teeth and mucosa) and physical susceptibility among elders. Researchers observed 65.9% in robust, 27.6% in pre-frail and 6.5% in frail groups. They noticed a high proportion of candidates with poor hygiene in the frail group. They observed frail group with a fewer number of remaining teeth and less bacterial count. They implied an association between the number of remaining teeth and the bacterial count.
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