Relationship between omega-3 and omega-6 serum free fatty acids and ovarian reserve
Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019
Eskew AM, et al. - Given that for early reproductive processes including oocyte maturation and embryo implantation, fatty acids are necessary substrates and that an elevated ratio of free fatty acids (FFAs), n-6:n-3, has been linked to inflammatory conditions and adverse pregnancy outcomes in overweight and obese women, researchers examined how fasting n-3 and n-6 FFAs are associated with markers of ovarian reserve as determined by anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) and antral follicle count (AFC). In this cross-sectional cohort study, 200 women aged 18 to 44 years reporting regular menstrual cycles, were recruited. Analyzing fasting serum samples from all subjects, they identified no correlation of FFA n-3 and n-6 levels with ovarian reserve as determined by AMH or AFC. This cohort displayed mean n-6:n-3 ratio that was above potential beneficial thresholds, and is a limitation of this study.
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