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Relationship between fatigue symptoms and subjective and objective indicators in hemodialysis patients

International Urology and Nephrology May 12, 2018

Zuo M, et al. - In patients on hemodialysis (HD), researchers determined the major factors influencing fatigue symptoms, as well as, the links between fatigue symptoms and subjective and objective indicators. Using convenience sampling and cross-sectional survey methods, patients on HD who met the inclusion criteria were selected from two grade A tertiary general hospitals. A high prevalence of fatigue symptoms was reported. Patients experienced moderate level of fatigue. In multivariate analysis, subjective indicators, including employment, exercise time, appetite, the vitality of 36-item Short Form Health Survey, perceived social support, intrafamilial support, cramping, headache, chest tightness, and whole-body pain, as well objective indicator, such as serum intact parathyroid hormone levels, were shown to have impact on fatigue symptoms in patients on HD.
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