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Relationship between bone mineral density T-score and nonvertebral fracture risk over 10 years of denosumab treatment

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Jun 21, 2019

Ferrari S, et al. - Researchers explored the connection between total hip BMD T-score and the incidence of nonvertebral fracture in women who received up to 10 years of continued denosumab therapy in the FREEDOM (3 years) study and its long-term Extension (up to 7 years) study. Overall, 10 years of denosumab treatment was completed by 1343 women. With higher total T-score, the incidence of nonvertebral fractures was lower. The authors have shown that a high proportion of osteoporosis subjects reached T-scores above the threshold of osteoporosis (ie, T-score ≥ -2.5) with up to 10 years of continued denosumab treatment. The results show the significance of BMD follow-up measurements in patients receiving denosumab treatment as BMD remains a robust fracture risk indicator. The observations support the notion of a treat-to-target (T-score) approach in osteoporosis.
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