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Relationship between body mass index and operative time in women receiving immediate postpartum tubal ligation

Contraception Jun 08, 2019

Deshpande NA, et al. - Researchers examined how body mass index (BMI) is associated with operative time during immediate postpartum tubal ligation procedures in women receiving immediate postpartum tubal ligation. Further, they sought to determine if women with BMI ≥30 vs women with BMI <30 and women with BMI ≥40 vs women with BMI <40 had non-inferior operative time. Among a total of 279 included women, 79 (28%) had a BMI of 25–29.9 and 171 (61%) had a BMI ≥30. For each one-point increase in BMI, operative time increased by 35 s, indicating a small increase in postpartum tubal ligation operative time with increasing BMI. Although women with BMI ≥30 vs BMI <30 had the mean operative time of 46.1 min (n=171) vs 40.6 min (n=108), it was non-inferior within a 10-min margin.
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