Rehabilitation of edentulous jaws with zirconia complete-arch fixed implant-supported prostheses: An up to 4-year retrospective clinical study
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Mar 22, 2018
Tischler M, et al. - Herein the experts assessed the rate of failure of the dental implants and the fracture rate of zirconia complete-arch fixed implant-supported prostheses (CAFIPs). The survival outcomes of subjects with edentulism treated with zirconia CAFIPs and the rate of technical complications were also analyzed by them. As per the findings, high survival rates for implants and prostheses were observed with the prosthodontic treatment of edentulous patients with a 1-piece, complete-arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prosthesis with veneered porcelain restricted to the gingival region. Technical complications related to this type of treatment for edentulous jaws were minimal. Researchers did not note any chipping of the veneered gingival porcelain.
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