Regional citrate anticoagulation vs no-anticoagulation for continuous venovenous hemofiltration in acute severe hypernatremia patients with increased bleeding risk: A retrospective cohort study
Blood Purification Sep 20, 2019
Zhao L, Ma F, Yu Y, et al. - Researchers evaluated regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) vs no-anticoagulation continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) regarding the efficacy and safety in acute severe hypernatremia patients with increased bleeding risk. They included 64 acute severe hypernatremia patients with high bleeding risk who underwent CVVH. Among these, 23 patients received no-anticoagulation and 41 patients received RCA for CVVH. Patients who received RCA displayed significantly prolonged circuit survival time (51 h [21.3–80.7] vs 15 h [4.1–23.9]) and had significantly longer filter lifespan when compared with those who received no-anticoagulation. The RCA group had filter failure in 2.4% (1/41) vs 65.2% (15/23) in the no-anticoagulation group. Outcomes thereby indicate a possible efficacy and safety of RCA for acute severe hypernatremia patients who underwent CVVH treatment.
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