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Regional and gender-specific analyses give new perspectives for secular trend in hip fracture incidence

Osteoporosis International Mar 21, 2021

Pekonen SR, Kopra J, Kröger H, et al. - Since several studies have reported secular trends in hip fracture incidence, but knowledge about the possible causes is limited, researchers studied potential explanations by analyzing spatio-temporal epidemiology of the fractures and estimating relative risks between genders. This observational study looked at all inpatient hospital discharges in Finland from 1972 to 2018. Hip fracture rates have converged significantly across regions and genders. Factors related to socioeconomic development, as well as increased frailty and longevity, appear to be particularly important. The hip fracture incidence rate ratio between men and women has steadily decreased over time, and men's hip fracture risk should be prioritised in the future.

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