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Refractive outcomes of four-point scleral fixation of Akreos AO60 intraocular lens using Gore-Tex suture

Clinical Ophthalmology Dec 23, 2020

Patel NA, Fan KC, Yannuzzi NA, et al. - In this single referral center, multi-surgeon, retrospective consecutive case series, researchers determined the refractive outcomes after 4-point scleral fixation of the Akreos AO60 intraocular lens with Gore-Tex suture. In total, 63 eyes met the inclusion criteria for having received surgical implantation of the Akreos AO60 intraocular lens with Gore-Tex suture from August 2014 to December 2018. Data reported that the mean preoperative BCVA was 0.67 ± 0.64 LogMAR (20/93 Snellen) and the mean postoperative spherical equivalent was − 0.57 D. In eyes with good visual potential, refractive outcomes after secondary implantation with Akreos AO60 are favorable.

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