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Refractive and visual outcome of misaligned toric IOL after operative realignment outcome of misaligned toric IOL after operative realignment

American Journal of Ophthalmology Dec 15, 2020

Müller-Kassner A, Sartory T, Müller M, et al. - In this institutional, retrospective case-control study, researchers sought to assess the refractive and visual outcome of patients with misaligned toric IOLs after operative realignment, with and without back-calculation of the toric axis after implantation of the IOL. The sample consisted of 39 patients who underwent a second operation to realign a misaligned toric IOL at the Department of Ophthalmology, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany from August 2013 to December 2019. Realignment of misaligned toric IOLs enhances visual acuity and decreases residual refractive errors. Especially in the case of high cylinder power IOLs, a better refractive outcome can be seen when performing a back-calculation before realignment.

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