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Reduced erythrocyte lifespan measured by chromium‐51 in patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing long‐term hemodialysis

Hemodialysis International Apr 05, 2021

Bomholt T, Oturai P, Rix M, et al. - Among patients with type 2 diabetes receiving long‐term hemodialysis, this inquiry was conducted to assess the erythrocyte lifespan as well as to identify potential predictors of erythrocyte lifespan. Participants were long‐term hemodialysis patients suffering from type 2 diabetes as well as patients with type 2 diabetes without nephropathy (estimated glomerular filtration rate > 60 mL/min/1.73 m 2 ). Findings revealed that patients suffering from type 2 diabetes receiving long‐term hemodialysis had a decreased erythrocyte lifespan. This may be a contributor to the decreased hemoglobin A1c values evident in the type 2 diabetic hemodialysis group. Experts could not identify a link between the erythrocyte lifespan and biochemical markers of hemolysis or inflammation.

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