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Recurrence of FSGS after kidney transplantation in adults

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Feb 14, 2020

Uffing A, Pérez-Sáez MJ, Mazzali M, et al. - In an observational, multicenter, international cohort study [Post-Transplant Glomerular Disease (TANGO) project] with a large cohort of kidney transplant recipients, researchers defined the incidence, predictors, as well as treatment response of recurrent FSGS in these individuals. There were 11,742 recipients who were screened for FSGS, and among those, 176 with a diagnosis of idiopathic FSGS were included. Findings revealed the recurrence of idiopathic FSGS after transplantation in one-third of cases, and it was related to a five-fold higher risk of graft loss. A higher risk for recurrence was shown in relation to older age at native kidney disease onset, on multivariable Cox regression. White race, body mass index at transplant and native kidney nephrectomies were all identified as other predictors. The treatments that were most commonly employed were plasmapheresis and rituximab. Response to treatment was attained in only half of the cases and was related to significantly better results.
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