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Recurrence and metastatic potential in Type 1 Gastric Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

Clinical Endocrinology Jul 04, 2019

Daskalakis K, et al. - Via 114 consecutive patients with type 1 gastric neuroendocrine neoplasms (GNEN1), researchers evaluated clinicopathological and biochemical parameters of GNEN1 in terms of the tumor’s inclination for recurrence and metastasis. For this investigation, they reviewed hospital charts of GNEN1 patients at a single tertiary referral center. Endoscopic intervention vs surgery, higher serum gastrin levels (s-gastrin) at baseline, and first-year follow-up were linked to both recurrence and shorter recurrence-free survival. Endoscopically and/or surgically treated GNEN1 is still an indolent disease with a low metastatic inclination and no reported disease-specific mortality, in spite of the relatively high prevalence of G2 tumors. Although many patients will have local recurrence, long-term endoscopic surveillance is needed; s-gastrin being a complementary biomarker in recurrence prediction.

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