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Recovery of rate-pressure product and cardiac mortality in coronary artery disease patients with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Mar 17, 2019

Kiviniemi AM, et al. - In patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and type 2 diabetes (T2D), researchers studied the prognostic significance of post-exercise recovery of rate-pressure product (RPP). For this investigation, patients with angiographically documented CAD and T2D (n=697) completed symptom-limited bicycle exercise tests. The investigators analyzed exercise capacity (EC), heart rate, blood pressure, and RPP responses to peak exercise and recovery (2’ and 5’ after cessation of exercise). Forty-nine cardiac deaths (7.0%) and 28 sudden cardiac deaths (4.0%) were observed during a median follow-up of 76 months. In patients with CAD and T2D, the recovery of RPP after exercise may be a potent predictor of cardiac death. In addition to EC and peak RPP, it provides significant prognostic information.

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