Recent trends in children's elbow dislocation with or without a concomitant fracture
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 24, 2019
Hyvönen H, et al. - Via a population-based study on 104 children of <16 years of age with an elbow dislocation, the researchers intended to interpret the recent epidemiology of childhood elbow dislocation, precisely, the potential change in incidence and treatment. Associative fractures were examined, especially in the medial epicondyle. The most usual reason for the dislocations was trampoline jumping. The majority of the people took non-operative treatment through reduction and casting. Also, no change in surgical treatment throughout the study time was noted. Hence, no change in the incidence of an elbow dislocation in children was seen in comparison to the escalating incidence of upper-extremity fractures in children. Further, no change in surgical treatment in 1996–2014 was observed. Therefore, this study was considered important because of the marked limitation of the previous understanding of the epidemiology of childhood elbow dislocation as it was based on the epidemiological conclusions from four decades ago.
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