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Readmissions after hospital care for meningitis in the United States

American Journal of Infection Control Dec 26, 2019

Ellis DE, Zaoutis T, Thibault DP, et al. - Researchers summarized patient and clinical characteristics of adults hospitalized with meningitis. Further, they reported on meningitis hospitalization outcomes, including 30- and 90-day readmissions, and examined if clinical, patient, or index hospitalization characteristics were correlated with readmission and readmission outcomes. They extracted data on hospitalized adults with a principal diagnosis of meningitis by assessing the 2014 National Readmissions Database. For the 30-day readmission inquiries, 18,883 adults were included for assessment. Among adults receiving inpatient meningitis care, national 30- and 90-day readmission rates of 7.0% and 11.4%, respectively, were noted. They observed that readmission after hospitalization for meningitis was correlated with both fixed and modifiable factors. Greater comorbidity was related to readmission; most frequently, readmissions were observed for meningitis, septicemia, or medical complications. Findings thereby suggested that a premorbid health state may be a more important driver of readmissions than age in adults.

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