Rates of cardiac rhythm abnormalities in patients with CKD and diabetes
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Mar 27, 2019
Akoum N, et al. - In this prospective observational study, researchers examined patients with type 2 diabetes and those with moderate to severe CKD who were not on dialysis, to assess the rates of subclinical arrhythmias in these patient populations. They used continuous ambulatory cardiac monitors for this purpose. Overall, for 11.2±3.9 days, 38 patients (34% women) underwent ambulatory cardiac monitoring. These patients had a mean eGFR of 38±13 ml/min per 1.73 m2. For any cardiac arrhythmia, the estimated overall mean rate was 88.8 episodes per person-year (PY). At a rate of 37.6 per PY, the occurrence of atrial fibrillation episodes was documented. Overall, a common prevalence of cardiac rhythm abnormalities was reported in patients with diabetes with moderate to severe CKD not needing dialysis. High rates of atrial fibrillation and asymptomatic episodes were observed in these populations.
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