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Rate of three-dimensional neuroretinal rim thinning in glaucomatous eyes with optic disc haemorrhage

British Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 14, 2019

Kim YW, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective review to examine the thinning rate of three-dimensional neuroretinal rim thickness (3D-NRT) in glaucoma eyes with optic disc haemorrhage (DH) and its connection to retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (RNFLT) progression. For this investigation, they analyzed 95 eyes of 95 glaucoma individuals with initial DH in the inferotemporal (n = 69) and superotemporal (n = 26) regions and 48 eyes of 48 glaucoma patients without DH. By linear mixed-effect model, the rates of change for 3D-NRT and RNFLT were compared. The rates of thinning of 3D-NRT (–5.69 ± 4.88 µm/year) and RNFLT (–2.03 ± 2.03 µm/year) at 7 o’clock were faster compared with those at other locations in DH eyes during a mean 7-year follow-up. Findings suggested an association of DH eyes with the progression of both 3D-NRT and RNFLT, particularly in the inferotemporal region. DH eyes indicate an average RNFLT thinning rate that is comparatively quicker than 3D-NRT. DH frequency can influence both 3D-NRT and RNFLT progression.
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