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Rate of falls, fear of falling, and avoidance of activities at-risk for falls in older adults with glaucoma

American Journal of Ophthalmology Feb 24, 2021

Bhorade AM, Perlmutter MS, Sabapathypillai SL, et al. - Researchers conducted this cross-sectional study to determine the connection between glaucoma severity and rate of falls, fear of falling, and avoidance of activities at-risk for falls. Patients with glaucoma (n = 138), 55-90 years of age, with mild (n = 61), moderate (n = 54), and advanced (n = 23) glaucoma in the better-eye based on the Glaucoma Staging System, and age-matched controls (n = 50) were selected from the Eye Clinics at Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Of the glaucoma candidates, 36% reported at least one fall in the prior 12 months compared with 20% of controls. Patient education, interventions and appropriate referrals to minimize falls in older adults with early glaucoma and continuing disease progression should be considered. Decreasing the fall-risk of a patient could decrease their fear of falling and avoidance of activities at risk. Reducing falls, fear of falling, and avoidance of at-risk activities may decrease morbidity and mortality and improve glaucoma patients' emotional and social well-being.

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