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Ranibizumab with or without verteporfin photodynamic therapy for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: Predictors of visual and anatomical response in the EVEREST II Study

Retina Feb 02, 2021

Cheung CMG, Tan CS, Patalauskaite R, et al. - Researchers sought to assess the demographic and imaging factors at baseline and Month 3 (M3) that predict visual or anatomical responses at Month 12 (M12) in the EVEREST-II study for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Post-hoc analysis of 322 candidates in the EVEREST-II study. Using univariate and multivariable analysis, patient factors, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), treatment, and imaging parameters at baseline and M3 were assessed with respect to outcomes at M12. Higher BCVA gains at M12 were correlated with younger age and lower baseline BCVA. In the ranibizumab monotherapy arm alone, the smaller baseline polypoidal lesion area was associated with higher BCVA gains at M12. Central subfield thickness at M3, area of branching vascular network at M3, BCVA at M3, and age were linked to change in BCVA from M3 at M12. At baseline and M3, several imaging parameters can predict treatment outcome. Interaction between treatment arm and total polypoidal lesion area indicates that this function can help to choose between initial ranibizumab monotherapy or combination therapy.

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