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Randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical trial of duloxetine vs placebo for aromatase inhibitor–associated arthralgias in early-stage breast cancer: SWOG S1202

Journal of Clinical Oncology Feb 02, 2018

Henry NL, et al. - Adherence to aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy for early-stage breast cancer is limited by AI-associated musculoskeletal symptoms (AIMSS). Duloxetine is US Food and Drug Administration approved for treatment of multiple chronic pain disorders. In the current investigation, researchers tested their hypothesis that treatment of AIMSS with duloxetine would improve average joint pain compared with placebo. It was shown that among women with early-stage breast cancer, duloxetine versus placebo afforded superior outcomes when given for AIMSS; however, treatment with duloxetine resulted in more frequent low-grade toxicities.

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