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Randomized in situ clinical trial evaluating erosion protection efficacy of a 0.454% stannous fluoride dentifrice

International Journal of Dental Hygiene Dec 21, 2018

West NX, et al. - Researchers studied 33 healthy adult subjects (mean age=40.5 years) under a double-blind, randomized, 2-treatment, 4-period, crossover in situ trial to evaluate the protective effects of a 0.454% stabilized stannous fluoride dentifrice and a marketed triclosan dentifrice against enamel erosion. They observed 93.5% less enamel loss with stannous fluoride dentifrice demonstration and median enamel loss of 0.097 μm (stannous fluoride dentifrice) and 1.495 μm (NaF/triclosan dentifrice), respectively indicating greater erosion protection efficacy of stannous fluoride dentifrice as compared to NaF/triclosan dentifrice.
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