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Radiographic changes of the mid-tarsal joint after calcaneal lengthening for planovalgus foot deformity

Foot and Ankle Surgery Jan 04, 2019

Ki Hyuk S, et al. - Authors analyzed 38 children to assess the radiographic changes in the mid-tarsal joint, including the calcaneocuboid (CC) and talonavicular (TN) joints after calcaneal lengthening for planovalgus deformity. They determined radiographic osteoarthritic changes at the CC or TN joint as modified Kellgren-Lawrence grade of ≥1. They observed an association between risk of radiographic osteoarthritic changes at the CC joint and increased age at surgery whereas the risk of radiographic osteoarthritic changes at the TN joint was found correlated with increased age at surgery, preoperative AP talus-1st metatarsal angle, and degree of CC subluxation.
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