Radiographic and functional outcomes of bisphosphonate use in lumbar fusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies
European Spine Journal Aug 09, 2019
Fretes N, et al. - A systematic search of multiple medical reference databases was carried out by the experts in order to contrast the radiographic and functional outcomes of individuals that had lumbar fusion with and without bisphosphonates. In comparison with controls, bisphosphonate use was statistically indicative of a greater fusion rate. No variation in screw loosening rates between the bisphosphonate group and controls was found. Nonetheless, bisphosphonate use was correlated with reduced odds of cage subsidence and vertebral fractures as that of the controls. Therefore, in comparison with controls, bisphosphonate use did not seem to impair prosperous lumbar fusion. Moreover, bisphosphonate use was related to reduced odds of cage subsidence and vertebral fractures when contrasted with controls that had lumbar fusion.
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