Radiographic and clinical outcomes of rooted, platform-switched, microthreaded implants with a sandblasted, large-grid, and acid-etched surface: A 5-year prospective study
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Oct 25, 2017
Mei Mei D, et al. - Here, researchers assessed the clinical and radiographic outcomes of rooted, platform-switched, microthreaded and sandblasted, large-grid, and acid-etched (SLA) surface implants for 5 years. After 5 years of loading, the rooted, platform-switched, microthreaded, and SLA surface implants demonstrated high survival and success rates, steady crestal bone levels, and excellent long-term clinical outcomes in the soft tissue. Overloading may be associated with the marginal bone loss around implants, but the surgical protocol, different sites, and jaw position did not correlate with crestal bone loss.
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