Radiation exposure to surgeon and assistant during flat panel mini c-arm fluoroscopy in hand and wrist surgical procedures
The Journal of Hand Surgery Jun 23, 2018
van Rappard JRM, et al. - Authors quantified the body, thyroid, and hand radiation exposure to surgeon and assistant during intraoperative use of flat panel mini C-arm fluoroscopy in hand and wrist surgical procedures. As per data, during intraoperative use of the flat panel mini C-arm the surgeon’s and assistant’s body, thyroid, and hands were exposed to acceptable levels of scatter radiation. The highest radiation exposure was received by the surgeon ie, 2.9% of the yearly radiation limits for the body, 0.05% for the thyroid position, and 2.56% for the hands. Exposure of the assistant was towards less scatter radiation: 1.1% for the body, 0.04% for the thyroid, and 0.4% for the hands.
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