Quantitative tooth mobility evaluation based on intra-oral scanner measurements
Journal of Periodontology Aug 08, 2019
Meirelles L, et al. - In this investigation, researchers assessed the reliability of a novel technique to evaluate tooth mobility. In a typodont model with different mobility (M1-M2), three experienced periodontists were asked to push tooth #16 into a buccal position. Using an intra-oral scanner, tooth position was obtained and files were compared in metrology software. According to results, Cronbach's alpha above 0.9 on the X-Y-Z axes was assessing excellent accuracy for both mobility tests, with the exception of M1-C X (0.85), M1-M Y (0.89), and M2-M Z (0.89). The association between the examiners showed excellent or good consistency, except for M1-C Y and M1-M X. At the three reference points comparing M1 and M2, significant changes were identified in all axes and a comparable proportional change was noted between reference points O-M-C for M1 and M2. The authors concluded that reliable data in an in vitro experiment was given by a novel technique to evaluate tooth mobility based on intra-oral scanner measurements.
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