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Quantitative evaluation of posterior talar subluxation in posterior malleolar fractures: A preliminary study

Injury Apr 23, 2020

Lee SH, Kim MB, Lee W, et al. - A preliminary study was designed to investigate posterior talar subluxation in posterior malleolar fractures. Thirty-seven patients with posterior malleolar fractures were retrospectively reviewed. Researchers classified individuals into two groups: PMF without posterior talar subluxation (n=18) and with posterior talar subluxation (n = 19). They assessed the distance between the arc center of the talus and the anterior tibia (TAD), the percentage of articular involvement of the fracture fragment, the inter-fragment distance and articular step-off. Significant differences and the association were evaluated between the two groups for each index. The results of this study exhibited that TAD can be a feasible parameter for assessing the posterior talar subluxation in PMF. The results considered that it can reflect not only the degree of fracture displacement but also posterior talar subluxation quantitatively.

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