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Quantitative assessment of eosinophils in dermatomyositis skin biopsies with correlation of eosinophils to pruritus and other clinical features

The American Journal of Dermatopathology Mar 30, 2021

Khanna U, Vaughan H, North J, et al. - A retrospective study was performed to examine dermatomyositis skin biopsies for the presence of eosinophils and correlate this finding with other histopathologic and clinical characteristics. Via the ICD-10 diagnosis code, cases of dermatomyositis evaluated in a single dermatologist's adult autoimmunity practice over a 2.5-year period were distinguished. Researchers carried out to search dermatopathology archives for any corresponding biopsies consistent with dermatomyositis, and those identified were evaluated for eosinophils, adnexal involvement, epidermal atrophy, dermal mucin, and basement membrane thickening. The study enrolled a sum of 39 biopsies from 17 patients. They reported eosinophils in 44% of biopsies (n = 17) from 12 patients. They noted dermal mucin deposition and adnexal interface dermatitis in 72% (n = 28) and 44% (n = 17) of biopsy specimens, respectively. Eleven (92%) patients had a clinical history of pruritus of their skin lesions (P = 0.052) out of 12 patients with eosinophils present in at least 1 biopsy specimen. Retrospective design and the small number of patients were the limitations of this study.

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