Quantitative analysis of corneal nerve fibers in type 2 diabetics with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy: Comparison of manual and automated assessments
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Apr 03, 2019
Li Q, et al. - In type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), researchers analyzed and compared fully-automated and manually measured corneal nerve fiber parameters. Neuropathy evaluation and bilateral corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) were conducted in a total of 128 T2DM subjects and 24 healthy controls. For each participant, five representative nerve fiber images were selected and analyzed with fully automated software and manually. Corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL), branch density (CNBD), and fiber density (CNFD) were studied. Strong relationships were found between manual and fully-automated CNFL and CNBD, but not CNFD. Fully automated parameter quantification of the corneal nerve fiber can be a quick, objective way of detecting DPN.
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