Quality of life in caregivers compared with dialysis recipients: The Co-ACTIVE sub-study of the ACTIVE Dialysis trial
Nephrology Feb 11, 2019
Gray NA, et al. - Researchers compared quality of life (QOL) of caregivers of dialysis patients with the cared for patients and population norms. In the ACTIVE Dialysis study, participants were randomized to extended (median 24 hours/week) or standard (median 12 hours/week) haemodialysis hours for 12 months. QOL questionnaires that included the EuroQOL-5 Dimension-3 Level (EQ5D-3L), Short Form-36 (SF-36, also allowing estimation of the SF-6D), as well as a bespoke questionnaire and the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI), were filled by a subgroup of participants and their nominated caregivers. Compared to dialysis patients, caregivers reported higher physical and equivalent mental QOL, but compared to the Chinese population, they had poorer personal well-being. Better QOL predicted by university education may be a surrogate for socioeconomic or other factors.
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