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Quality of life and mental health in amblyopic children treated with and without occlusion therapy

Journal of AAPOS Nov 06, 2019

Guimaraes S, et al. - Among children with refractive amblyopia and their caregivers, researchers evaluated the long-term (≥ 1 year) psychosocial effects of occlusion therapy. To examine HRQoL, anxiety, depression, and stress in a cross-sectional study of children with refractive amblyopia and their caregivers, multiple self-reported questionnaires were used. Study participants were divided into two subgroups: those treated with glasses only and those treated with glasses as well as occlusion therapy who had stopped wearing a patch at least 1 year before. In total, 79 children were involved: 32 in the refraction-only group and 47 in the glasses + occlusion group. In children with refractive amblyopia treated with occlusion therapy, patching was linked to long-term negative psychosocial results. The only important (but not clinically relevant) difference noted for caregivers was a higher score in the depression dimension of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for caregivers of only glass-treated children.
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