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Qualitative evaluation of the 10-2 and 24-2 visual field tests for detecting central visual field abnormalities in glaucoma

American Journal of Ophthalmology Feb 24, 2021

Orbach A, Ang GS, Camp AS, et al. - This cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine if glaucomatous central visual field abnormalities can be more effectively detected using a qualitative, expert evaluation of the 10-2 test compared with the topographically corresponding central 12 locations of the 24-2 test (C24-2). The cases and controls included eyes with glaucomatous optic nerve appearance or ocular hypertension (n = 523) and healthy eyes (n = 107) respectively. The similarity in performance of the 10-2 and C24-2 test indicates that the increased sampling of the former does not significantly enhance the identification of central visual field abnormalities, even on the basis of expert assessment. Such results should not be taken to mean that the 10-2 test is not useful, but it underlines the need for its utility to be clearly identified before it is incorporated as a routine standard-of-care for glaucoma.

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