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Pulmonary function in older patients with ventricular septal defect

The American Journal of Cardiology Apr 16, 2020

Eckerström F, et al. - Researchers performed this study among adult patients with a congenital ventricular septal defect (VSD) and healthy age- and gender-matched controls, to gain insights into the evolvement of the pulmonary dysfunction in the aging VSD patient. The participants were asked to undergo static and dynamic spirometry, impulse oscillometry, multiple breath washout, and diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide testing. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second was the primary outcome. Findings revealed that VSD patients 40 years of age or older, vs healthy age- and gender-matched controls, exhibited significant impaired pulmonary function in terms of decreased dynamic pulmonary function, raised airway resistance in the small airways, and decreased diffusion capacity up to 54 years following defect closure.

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