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Pulmonary fibrosis in relation to genetic loci in an inception cohort of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis from northern Sweden

Rheumatology May 20, 2021

Jönsson E, Ljung L, Norrman E, et al. - Researchers investigated pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in an inception cohort of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in relation to genetic variants and disease-related factors. They recruited a total of 1,466 early RA patients and followed prospectively from the index date until death or December 31, 2016. It was shown that the development of PF in an inception cohort of RA patients was correlated with four of 12 interstitial lung disease risk genes. The findings demonstrate that RA-related factors except for age at diagnosis and RF-positivity were of limited importance in PF development.

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