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Psychotropic drugs in patients with Cushing’s disease before diagnosis and at long-term follow-up - A nationwide study

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Feb 15, 2021

Bengtsson D, Ragnarsson O, Berinder K, et al. - A Nationwide longitudinal register-based study was performed to explore drug dispenses correlated with psychiatric morbidity in Cushing’s disease (CD) patients before treatment and during long-term follow-up. Researchers distinguished CD patients diagnosed between 1990 and 2018 (N=372) in the Swedish Pituitary Register. They obtained longitudinal data from 5 years before, at diagnosis, and during follow-up. They enrolled four matched controls per patient. They also conducted a cross-sectional subgroup analysis of 76 patients in sustained remission. The data demonstrated that in CD, increased use of psychotropic drugs was observed before diagnosis and remained elevated regardless of remission status, suggesting persisting negative effects on mental health. The research reveals the importance of early diagnosis of CD, and the need for long-term monitoring of mental health.

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