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Psychosocial predictors of work ability in morbidly obese patients: Results of a cross-sectional study in the context of bariatric surgery

Obesity Facts Dec 25, 2020

Köhler H, Markov V, Watschke A, et al. - Since obesity is correlated with a higher risk of work disability and premature early retirement, researchers sought to investigate psychosocial predictors for work ability prior to surgery. The sample consisted of 197 surgery-seeking obese patients (preoperative BMI above 35 kg/m2) from a German bariatric surgery unit. Multiple regression analyses found that older age, higher depressive symptoms, and lower satisfaction with life were significant predictors of preoperative work ability. Work ability was not predicted by BMI, gender, relationship satisfaction, and dysfunctional eating behaviors. The results can suggest the use of more psychosocial measures to improve work ability following bariatric surgery.

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