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Psychological impact of early miscarriage and client satisfaction with treatment: A comparison between expectant management and misoprostol treatment in a randomized controlled trial

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Apr 10, 2021

Fernlund A, Jokubkiene L, Sladkevicius P, et al. - Via a randomized controlled trial, short‐ and long‐term emotional distress (grief, anxiety, depressive symptoms) after early miscarriage was compared between women randomized to expectant management or misoprostol treatment. In addition, a comparison was performed with respect to satisfaction with treatment. In cases without completion of miscarriage on day 31 after inclusion, surgical evacuation was recommended. Researchers randomized 90 women to expectant management and 94 to misoprostol treatment. Per outcomes, women treated with misoprostol and those managed expectantly did not differ in the psychological response to and recovery after early miscarriage. Both treatment groups described high satisfaction with treatment. The research supported patient involvement when deciding on management of early miscarriage.

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