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Psychiatric adverse events in patients taking isotretinoin as reported in a Food and Drug Administration database from 1997 to 2017

JAMA Oct 17, 2019

Singer S, et al. - This retrospective study assessed reports of psychiatric adverse incidents with isotretinoin as the prime suspect drug in the US Food and Drug Administration’s Adverse Event Reporting System from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 2017. With depressive disorders, emotional lability, and anxiety disorders announced most often, 17,829 psychiatric adverse incidents with isotretinoin use were listed to the US Food and Drug Administration. However, depressive disorders and suicidality were often listed along with isotretinoin use, these reports must be acknowledged relative to raised rates of depression and suicide among individuals with acne at huge. These data imply that in individuals taking isotretinoin, the rate of accomplished suicide may be lower in comparison with that of the general US population. Many psychiatric adverse incidents not associated with depression and suicidality were also listed, however, it is not clear enough whether they were a consequence of isotretinoin therapy. Nevertheless, no causal connection between isotretinoin and psychiatric risk could be ascertained, yet individuals who were taking the drug seem exposed to psychiatric attention. Moreover, to screen individuals for psychiatric conditions and enhance outcomes, mandated monthly iPLEDGE visits could give a chance.
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