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Psoriatic nail dystrophy is associated with erosive disease in the distal interphalangeal joints in psoriatic arthritis: A retrospective cohort study

The Journal of Rheumatology Sep 06, 2019

Antony AS, Allard A, Rambojun A, et al. - Researchers examined if, in the hands of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), the correlation between psoriatic nail dystrophy and radiographic damage is specific to the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints. From the Bath longitudinal PsA cohort, they included 134 patients, with a median age of 53 years and disease duration of 7 years. The analysis revealed an association of the presence of psoriatic nail dystrophy, particularly onycholysis, with erosive disease at the DIP joints. They observed a more strong association of subungual hyperkeratosis with erosive damage at the DIP than non-DIP joints. Findings thereby establish the anatomical and pathological connection between the nail and DIP joint disease.
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