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Psoriatic arthritis disease activity during and after pregnancy: A prospective multicenter study

Arthritis Care & Research Jul 15, 2019

Ursin K, et al. - Through a prospective multicenter study that included 108 pregnancies in 103 women with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) from a Norwegian nationwide register, the researchers intended to examine disease activity in women with peripheral PsA during and post-pregnancy since former knowledge on this topic was inadequate. During and post-pregnancy, 75% of the women were in relief or had low disease activity, according to the Activity Score in 28 joints-C-reactive protein levels score. Decrease in the disease during pregnancy and increase within 6 months postpartum was observed, although disease activity was collectively stable. In comparison with the disease at 6 weeks of postpartum, disease activity at 6 months postpartum was markedly greater. Women who used tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) in pregnancy had markedly lower disease activity, in contrast to women who were not using TNFi. Low and stable Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index scores during pregnancy were noticed, however, they were significantly greater at 6 months postpartum than at 6 weeks postpartum. Hence, disease activity was most leading at 6 months postpartum but collectively low and stable in the period from planning pregnancy to 1 year following delivery in women with PsA. Moreover, women using TNFi in pregnancy had markedly cheaper disease activity.
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