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Proximal radius fracture morphology following axial force impact: A biomechanical evaluation of fracture patterns

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Apr 12, 2019

Lacheta L, et al. - Data were studied to delineate the formation of proximal radius fractures, the relationship between axial forces and fracture morphology, energy to failure and bone stiffness in a biomechanical in-vitro setup. They recorded energy to failure and bone stiffness. They found that all radii survived a compression load of 500 N. They noted 256 kN (range 130 – 732) of the mean compressive forces that lead to failure with mean stiffness of 35 kN/mm (range 20–49). They documented 11 radial neck fractures and 7 radial neck and radial head multi-fragment fractures. They found the involvement of anterolateral quadrant in 78% of tested radii. The most common location for articular radial head fractures was the anterolateral quadrant of the radial head (in the neutral position of the forearm).
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