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Provoked vestibulodynia: A comparative examination of mental health, sleep, sexual functioning, and relationship adjustment

The Clinical Journal of Pain Sep 16, 2017

Dargie E, et al. - The experts embraced this study to compare women with provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) to those with postherpetic neuralgia and pain-free control participants. The authors revealed that women with PVD and postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) experienced similar mental health difficulties, but women with PHN experienced more severe influence on their day-to-day functioning and mood. These outcomes supported the classification of PVD as a chronic pain condition, as both the pain groups differed from pain-free control participants on a range of measures. Lastly, the presence of mental health difficulties and poorer sexual functioning underscored the significance of conducting biopsychosocial pain assessments.
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