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Proton pump inhibitors use and risk of chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Dec 01, 2018

Yang H, et al. - Using proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in Taiwan, researchers examined the risk of chronic kidney disease among patients with diabetes. This population-based cohort study is based on a specific diabetic database obtained from the National Health Insurance Research Database. Individuals with a new diabetes diagnosis were enrolled from 2002-2013. Compared with no exposure users, the PPI-exposure group had a greater prevalence of anemia, anti-hypertension drugs, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug prescriptions. The use of proton pump inhibitors was related to a 1.52-fold increased risk of chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients when the dosage in Taiwan exceeds 180 DDD (defined daily dose) in 1 year.

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