Protein carbamylation in peritoneal dialysis and the effect of low glucose plus amino acid solutions
Peritoneal Dialysis International Apr 04, 2018
Trottier C, et al. - The impact of peritoneal dialysis (PD) and intraperitoneal amino acids (AA) solutions on protein carbamylation was determined by measuring carbamylated albumin (C-Alb; a marker of carbamylation load) in diabetic hemodialysis (HD) patients frequency-matched by age, sex, and race to diabetic PD subjects from the IMPENDIA trial, which originally compared the metabolic effects of low-glucose PD solutions (incorporating icodextrin and AAs) to a control group (dextrose-only solutions). Compared with matched HD patients, carbamylation levels in PD patients appeared higher. No reduction was noted in C-Alb in IMPENDIA subjects who received a regimen of AA and low-glucose PD solutions.
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