Prostatic utricles without external genital anomalies in children: Our experience, literature review, and pooling analysis
BMC Urology Apr 09, 2019
Liu Bo, et al. - Investigators estimated 22 male kids to study the clinical characteristics of prostatic utricle with normal external genitalia. They noted the following most common presenting chief complaint among kids: urinary tract infection, purulent urethral discharge, and pyuria. They found obstructive lower urinary tract symptoms in 14% of cases whereas irritative lower urinary tract symptoms were present in 17% of cases. They also reported a cystic mass (during a digital rectal examination) as the most common presenting sign. A rare presentation of prostate utricles without external genital aberrations were reported in kids and which were easily missed and misdiagnosed. They suggested treating the cases on the basis of the age, clinical symptoms, and size and location of the utricle.
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