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Prospective study of vitrectomy for epiretinal membranes in patients with good best-corrected visual acuity

BMC Ophthalmology Aug 24, 2019

Nakashizuka H, Kitagawa Y, Wakatsuki Y, et al. - In this prospective case study, researchers assessed the effectiveness of epiretinal membrane, a translucent tissue that develops on the retinal surface and is reportedly present in 7 - 11.8% people age 40 years and older, removal in patients with good best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) for improving visual function and quality of life (QOL). They compared 37 patients with preoperative BCVA ≦ 0.046 logMAR (Good group) to 35 patients with 0.10–0.52 logMAR (Moderate group) at 3 and 6 months. According to findings, MH was significantly improved in both groups at post-3 M and post-6 M, but no significant differences were found between the two groups. Vertical metamorphopsia score showed no improvement in either group at the final observation. For patients with BCVA ≦ 0.046 logMAR, early epiretinal surgery was efficient in improving HM, BCVA, and QOL and preventing aniseikonia from deteriorating.
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