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Prospective randomized study of direct anterior approach vs posterolateral approach total hip replacement: A concise five-year follow-up evaluation

Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 22, 2019

Barrett WP, et al. - In this study, investigators examined 87 candidates to evaluate the average 5-year follow-up of direct anterior approach (DAA) vs posterolateral approach (PA) total hip replacement. They observed 2 deaths one in each group, but not related to the implant or procedure. They noted no statistical distinction between surgical methods in terms of Harris Hip Score, UCLA activity score and HOOS Jr. No significant difference was noticed in the 7-year survivorship. They did not find any loose implant at average 5-year follow-up. Overall, both the methods revealed good outcomes at an average 5-year follow-up in terms of survivorship, function, the rate of complications as well as radiographic examination.
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