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Prospective cross-sectional multicenter study on domiciliary noninvasive ventilation in stable hypercapnic COPD patients

International Journal of COPD Aug 16, 2018

Yazar EE, et al. - In this prospective, cross-sectional, multicenter real-life study, researchers examined chronic hypercapnic COPD patients who were using domiciliary noninvasive ventilation (NIV) for at least 1 year and being followed up in 19 centers across Turkey, to define treatment compliance criteria and factors related to compliance. Two patient groups were formed: high-compliance group (those who used NIV regularly, night or daytime and ≥5 hours/d), and low-compliance group (patients who used NIV irregularly and <5 hours/d). They observed significantly higher mean inspiratory positive airway pressure values in the high-compliance group vs the low-compliance group. Cardiac failure and obesity were significantly more frequently reported in the high-compliance group. Findings suggested a possible link of patient and ventilator characteristics with treatment compliance. The success and treatment efficacy may be increased via detection of patients who have better compliance to domiciliary NIV in COPD.
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