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Prophylactic postoperative measures to minimize surgical site infections in spine surgery: Systematic review and evidence summary

The Spine Journal Oct 28, 2019

Tan T, Lee H, Huang MS, et al. - In this systematic review, meta-analysis, evidence synthesis, experts systematically assessed the literature, and gave evidence-based summaries on postoperative measures for surgical site infections (SSI) prophylaxis in spine surgery. Forty-one studies (nine RCT, 32 cohort studies) were involved. Irrespective of the postoperative period being key in SSI prophylaxis, the literature is inadequate and without agreement on optimum postoperative care for SSI prevention in spine surgery. The prevailing best evidence was proposed with its limitations. Thus, high-quality studies discussing high-risk cohorts such as the old, obese, and populations with diabetes, and for traumatic and oncological implications are necessarily needed.
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